blessed path of tribulations
The monk, who continues faithfully in his cell and
lets himself be molded by it, will gradually find that his
whole life tends to become one continual prayer. But he
cannot attain to this repose except at the cost of stern
battle; both by living austerely in fidelity to the law of
the cross, and willingly accepting the tribulations by
which God will try him as gold in the furnace. In this
way, having been cleansed in the night of patience, and
having been consoled and sustained by assiduous meditation
of the Scriptures, and having been led by the Holy Spirit
into the depths of his own soul, he is now ready, not only
to serve God, but even to cleave to him in love. Carthusian
Statutes, chapter 3 .
As an example, Dom Pablo (Thomas
Verner Moore ) states that
for the soul to turn spontaneously to the contemplation of
God "it is necessary that it should have labored long and
suffered much in a life devoted to the service of God."
He spent his last years back at Miraflores, not speaking
Spanish, blind, finally alone with God. This will be
ultimately the path of the SBPCLC's. The
Suffering Servant
Mary's spiritual motherhood
We celebrate the eternal newness of the mystery that is
Mary‘s spiritual engendering of Christ in our hearts.
Statutes, chapter 21 .
If therefore we are truly living in union with God, our
minds and hearts, far from becoming shut in on themselves,
open up to embrace the whole universe and the mystery of
Christ that saves it. Apart from all, to all we are
united, so that it is in the name of all that we stand
before the living God. This continual effort to be always
— as far as human frailty permits — very close to God,
unites us in a special way with the Blessed Virgin Mary,
whom we are accustomed to call the Mother in particular of
all Carthusians. Carthusian
Statutes, chapter 34 .
“Christ is the supreme Teacher, the revealer and the one
revealed. It is not just a question of learning what he
taught but of “learning him”. In this regard could we have
any better teacher than Mary? From the divine standpoint,
the Spirit is the interior teacher who leads us to the
full truth of Christ (cf. Jn 14:26; 15:26; 16:13). But
among creatures no one knows Christ better than Mary; no
one can introduce us to a profound knowledge of his
mystery better than his Mother.” Rosarium
Virginis Mariae by JPII, section 14
She is the safest, easiest, shortest and most perfect
way of approaching Jesus and (they) will surrender
themselves to her, body and soul, without reserve in order
to belong entirely to Jesus. Treatise
on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin, Saint Louis
de Montfort no 55
We make more progress in a brief period of submission to
and dependence on Mary than in whole years of following
our own will and relying upon ourselves. Saint
Louis de Montfort in Treatise
on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin
When you want to offer something to God, to be welcomed by
him be sure to offer it through the worthy Mother of God.
St. Bernard, quoted by Saint Louis de
Montfort in Treatise
on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin
“To be devout to thee O Blessed virgin, is an arm of
salvation that God gives to those whom He wishes to save”
(St John Damascene, True Devotion, 41)
Venerating the Mother of Jesus in the Church, then,
means to learn from her to be a community that prays, that
is one of the essential characteristics of the first
description of the Christian community outlined in the
Acts of the Apostles (cf. 2:42). Prayer is
often dictated by difficult situations, personal problems
that lead us to turn to the Lord for light, comfort and
help. Mary invites us to open the dimensions of our
prayer, to turn to God not only in need and not just for
ourselves but in a unanimous, persevering, faithful way
with a " of one heart and mind" (cf.
Acts 4.32 ). Pope:
Praying with Mary, mother and Church Benedict XVI
Our Total
Consecration to Mary
Saint Louis-Marie De Montfort's own blessed path
of tribulations, gifted us of the Total
Consecration to Mary,
in view of cleaving ever deeper to God. Our own
personal Total Consecration to Mary could be a fruit of
listening with the heart to the 11 guidelines, wishing to
surrender ourselves more and more to a life of continual
conversion through notably regular sacramental confession (Step 1),
into living in a permanent "spirit of confession" (Adrienne
Von Speyr Confession
by our True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, Mother of the
Carthusians, and without which we who would wish to follow
Saint Bruno, would be certainly lost, because "Our
sanctity depends on the degree of our nearness to Mary.
She is the nearest to God, and if we are the nearest to
her then we therefore will be nearest, through her, to God
Himself" Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe.
Questions for reflection and further development