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  • Corrections and suggestions can be proposed for all individual pages through their bottom page form:  Commentaires Comments
  • Corrections and suggestions can also be proposed for some sections of pages through this form:  Ed Courrier @
                      Edit Saint Bruno org
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  • Individual photo files are usually identified by photo.

Machine translation

  • Google translated documents are usually identified by: Google Translated, and are prone to deficiencies. You can help us correct/improve them.
  • Google Translated external_link pages are accessible through a bottom page form: quies_gtpages.PNG
    • Please note that, although useful, assistive Google Translated Google translate machine translation service, is  prone to deficiencies; truncation of multilingual citations; and also could affect the formatting/presentation of our Google translated web pages.
    • Always revert to the original text, through their top page form (by clicking it's close box): quies_gt_top.png
Human translations - Traductor traditor
  • We should aim to correctly translate and offer this website initially in the Carthusian Order's supported languages external_link, presently: Deutsch external_link| English external_link| Español external_link| Français external_link| Italiano external_link| Português external_link| 한국어 external_link.
  • Translation contributions are thus welcome and could be made available progressively on quies.org.
  • We aim for serious exegetical literal translations; sacrificing the pitfalls of literary translatory reinterpretation, to the necessity of exactitude, and spiritual-theological fidelity, to Saint Bruno's, the Carthusian Order's, experienced charism and original texts. Emulation of the exegetical methodology applied by Émile Osty, p.s.s., might be a sound example of an approach to the human translations, of our documentation.
    • Le chanoine Émile Osty a été qualifié de «génie de la traduction». external_link (Wikipedia)
      • Selon un texte de présentation des différentes versions de la Bible disponibles en français de l'Alliance biblique française : « La remarquable traduction réalisée par le chanoine Émile Osty, représente plus de vingt-cinq ans d’un minutieux labeur. En cours de route, Osty a fait appel à Joseph Trinquet, professeur au grand séminaire de Paris. Cette traduction respecte « jusqu’au scrupule » les textes originaux hébreux, araméens et grecs. Étant l’œuvre d’une seule personne, elle se caractérise par sa grande cohérence : une même expression dans la langue originale est rendue par une même expression en français. Très précise, cette traduction s’efforce aussi de respecter les genres littéraires présents dans les livres bibliques. Utilisant toutes les ressources de la langue française, elle cherche à rendre le côté pittoresque de l’original. D’abondantes introductions et notes techniques font de la Bible Osty-Trinquet un remarquable outil pour l’exégèse. »
    • La Bible Osty, Avant-propos pdf
    • "Il y a certaines traductions que l'on considère comme une interprétation" (There are certain translations that we consider as an interpretation). Into Great Silence monks exchange during the Sunday afternoon recreation (at 1H20-21)

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  • Communial participation to the IFSB/SBLC, and the Quies SBPCLC, discretely sharing the responsibilities and workload together:
    • organization, progression, development and well-being of the community: study groups, technical help, meetings, translations, research, documentation, redaction, proof reading, reports, accounting, legal research, visitations, direction and sacred listening, moderators, board membership, and participation to the forums.
  • In the spirit of the 11 guidelines, this website is ..."a means to help some people develop their spiritual life, in the example and with the help of Saint Bruno, must be cleansed:

a.    Avoid unnecessary chatter and discussions that are far from the aim of the CLC.
b.    The ecumenical openness must be conducted according to the norms of the Church and you will exclude any tendency to religious syncretism.
c.    You also avoid to compromise with pressure groups of ideas either integrist or avant-gardist. To the spiritual path in accordance with Saint Bruno, is appropriate great sobriety and modesty, remote from any controversy.
d.    We progress, all together, in the respect of the Magisterium of the Church." (Gd 9)


  • This Quies SBPCLC project, is a collegial ongoing work; fruit of the precious collaboration, and prayers of many Anawim, in Christ.
    • Our Lady of Good Counsel; Saint Bruno; the Carthusians; specially the individual founders of the CLC External link, the IFSB/SBLC administrators; benefactors and contributors; are gratefully remembered in our prayer intentions.
      • "Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others." Mark 12:43 external_link 
      • "I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor." John 4:38 external_link
      • "If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants."  Isaac Newton
  • Concerning the theological subjects which are discussed or presented on this website, Quies.org does not intend in positioning itself to add or subtract anything from the Catholic Magisterium. Since Quies.org does not control the content of external documentation (usually identified by: external_link), prudence and discernment are advised while visiting external links as "We progress, all together, in the respect of the Magisterium of the Church." (Gd 9). As your collegial discerning input might prove necessary and invaluable, feedback to help us identify, document and clarify any possible ambiguity on this website or sometimes in suggested external links are welcome. Feedback forms for your suggestions or corrections CommentairesComments, can be found for this purpose at the bottom of our web pages.
Ed Source http://www.quies.org/ed/quies_interaction.html

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