Quies SBPCLC regular small group contacts
- Contacts
between members are to be encouraged,
indirectly through the
internet forum,(Gd
- but also through small
groups when this is possible (Gd
- Leaders will organize these
internet contacts within a
frequency which can vary
between two and four weeks (video
conferencing?). It is
advisable to set themes and
'helm' the exchanges. (Gd
- Membership
to the Quies SBPCLC, is founded on a communially supervised
commitment to the eleven
guidelines and to the ensuing customs and statutes of
the projected lay association.
- The Quies SBPCLC project's
purpose is to collegially help to study, live and apply the
eleven guidelines, progressively in our own lives; as
was proposed by the Reverend Father; a task that solicits in
itself our own personal conversion into the authentic charism
of Saint Bruno, in communion with the Carthusian Order's
monastics, and that "may take several years, which is not
at all serious, since we are working on the long term" (Gd
- The Quies SBPCLC members participate in and serve the
community of the founding CLC, IFSB/SBLC spiritual ecosystem,
and all it's eventual affiliates; while understanding it's own
particular mission or vision as being: to individually
and communially apply the Quies SBPCLC 5
steps commitment to the eleven guidelines.
individually applying the Quies
SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the eleven
guidelines are thus proposed to commit themselves to
a regular community life: it
instigationally is, and potentially continues to be,
experienced through IFSB/SBLC forums
and meetings;
but evidence is developing that applying the Quies
SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the
eleven guidelines requires the
availability of a more specifically
dedicated SBPCLC community life.
- So any aspirant striving to apply the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps
commitment to the eleven guidelines can thus forward us
their coordinates, mentioning:
- Video-conference meeting(s)
could be agreed upon to answer questions and initiate
discernment; in view of facilitating eventual SBPCLC
regular small group contacts (Gd
- Following Saint Bruno's charism and in faithfulness to the
11 guidelines, SBPCLC regular small group contacts
membership is expected, and will be managed, to
consist of a limited number of individuals, as in a
carthusian monastery.
- ...they should, of course, have an aptitude for solitude,
but also for life in common. Carthusian Statutes
chapter 8
- Having dealt with the life of the monk, insofar as he
remains listening to God in cell and at work, with the help
of God we will now speak of the community. For, the grace of
the Holy Spirit gathers solitaries together to form a
communion in love, in the likeness of the Church; which
remains one, though spread throughout the world.
Carthusian Statutes
chapter 21
- On days when the community aspect of our life is more in
evidence, the monks may concelebrate, united in one
priesthood. Carthusian
Statutes chapter 21
- Liberty of spirit is a mark of the solitary life. The
Liturgy celebrated in the secret of the cell should reflect
this, be in profound harmony with the aspirations of the
heart, while always remaining an act of our community life.
Carthusian Statutes
chapter 21
- Of Life in Common Carthusian Statutes
chapter 21
- The solitary life, in the cell or the obediences,
enkindles and nurtures in our hearts the fire of divine
love, which is the bond of perfection, and makes us members
of one body. We express this love that we bear for one
another when we come together, as a community, showing by
our words and behavior our joy at meeting our brothers, and
our willingness to forget ourselves for them.
- The Sacred Liturgy is the noblest form of community
life, since it establishes the deepest and most intimate
communion among us. When we join in it each day, we have but
one heart and one soul, as we present ourselves before God.
- The Chapter House is a place well worthy of our
esteem. Therein it was that we asked to be received as the
very humble servant of all; therein, too, we avow our faults
in the presence of our brothers; and therein, also, we hear
spiritual reading and discuss matters pertaining to the
common good.
- On certain solemnities, we all meet in Chapter to
hear a sermon from the Prior or from whomever the Prior
appoints. After None on Sundays and solemnities — with the
exception of the solemnities of Christmas, Easter and
Pentecost and those that fall on weekdays in Lent — we go to
the Chapter House to hear a reading from the Gospels or from
the Statutes. Every second week, or once a month, according
to the custom of the House, we publicly avow our faults
there. Each person can confess faults committed against his
brothers, the Statutes, and also against the general
obligation of our engagement. And since solitude of heart
requires for its preservation the wall of silence, he who
breaks silence must always proclaim his fault and perform
some public penance in accordance with accepted procedure.
When the accusation has been made the Prior can opportunely
give admonitions.
- On Sundays, at a suitable time, the brothers are to
meet in Chapter, or in some other place, where they will
hear a reading and an explanation of the Statutes, or else a
father, appointed by the Prior, will instruct them in
Christian doctrine. They will also proclaim their faults,
unless they have already done so with the fathers.
- When some matter has to be discussed, or if the
Prior wishes to have the advice of the community, the monks,
at the request of the Prior, will assemble in Chapter.
- We take dinner together in the refectory on Sundays
and solemnities on which days we meet together more
frequently, so that we may taste something of the joy of
family life. The refectory, which we enter after an Office
in the Church, brings to mind the Last Supper, a repast
which Christ hallowed. The tables there are blessed by the
celebrant of the Conventual Mass; and while food for the
body is being served to us, we are at the same time
spiritually nourished by the reading of things divine.
- A period of conversation is accorded the fathers
after the Chapter at None; the Prior can grant this to the
brothers who desire it on any solemnity. Once a month,
however, there is a recreation for all the brothers; on this
day, if the Prior so wishes, fathers and brothers may have a
common recreation, to which even the novices and junior
professed may be invited.
- At recreation, let us remember St. Paul’s
exhortation: rejoice, be of one mind, have peace, so that
the God of peace and love may abide within us. Since a
colloquium is an assembly together of the community, let us
not separate ourselves from the main body; nor should we
speak elsewhere, but only there where all are assembled —
except, perhaps, a few words.
- Since, as St. Bruno says, when wearied by our quite
austere rule and application to spiritual things, our rather
delicate natures can often be refreshed and renewed by the
charms and beauties of woods and countryside, the fathers
have a walk every week — with the exception of Holy Week.
The brothers are to have a similar walk every month, at
which, however, attendance is optional. But they must take
part in the walk at least three or four times a year.
Fathers and brothers can take this walk together, at the
discretion of the Prior.
- In accordance with a very old custom of our Order,
an exceptionally long walk is granted once a year, which the
fathers and brothers, and also the junior professed and
novices, are permitted to have together, if it seems
suitable to the Prior. On this walk, it is permissible to go
beyond the limits assigned by the General Chapter, and also
to bring something to eat. However, Carthusian frugality is
to be observed; when eating, we must be well-removed from
strangers. The Prior is allowed to grant another walk of
this kind, on which we do not eat, however.
- Our walks should be such as to further brotherly
union and also the spiritual progress of our souls. Hence
all are to walk together, taking the same route so that each
one can, in turn, talk with the others — unless, for a
reasonable cause, it seems better to have two or three
groups. Should it be necessary to go through a town or
village, they will be content simply to pass through,
preserving due decorum, nor may they ever enter the houses
of seculars. They should not hold conversation with
strangers, nor give them anything. On the walks, we are not
to eat or drink anything, except plain water, found by the
- These conversations together are intended to help
us to grow in mutual love, and to moderate somewhat our
solitude. Let us be on our guard against talking
excessively, or shouting, or indulging in indecorous
laughter. Let our conversations be religious, not frivolous
or worldly; sedulously let us shun even semblance of
detraction or murmuring. Should a difference of opinion
arise, let us know how to listen and to see the matter from
the other’s point of view so that in all things, the bond of
mutual love will grow ever stronger.
- Opera communia may be held three times a year at
the discretion of the Prior — who may also, if he wishes,
omit them entirely. This work in common — during which
silence is to be observed in the manner prescribed in
chapter 5.6 — may be continued for three days. As well as
work which the Sacristan might require, the Prior may enjoin
something of assistance to the brothers; if so, the fathers
will be very happy indeed to have this opportunity of
participating in the ministry of the brothers. In the week
of opera communia, the walk is optional for the fathers.
- Any fathers who so desire, may, once a month, with
the Prior’s consent, devote the time of the walk to some
work, in the manner prescribed for opera communia, yet with
permission to speak.
- There was an old man living
in the desert who served God for so many years and he
said, "Lord, let me know if I have pleased you. " He saw
an angel who said to him, "You have not yet become like
the gardener in such and such place. " The old man
marveled and said, "I will go off to the city to see both
him and what it is that he does that surpasses all my work
and toil of all these years. "... So he went to the city
and asked the gardener about his way of life.. .. When
they were getting ready to eat in the evening, the old man
heard people singing in the streets, for the cell of the
gardener was in a public place. Therefore the old man said
to him, "Brother, wanting as you do to live according to
God, how do you remain in this place and not be troubled
when you hear them singing these songs?" The man said, "I
tell you, Abba, I have never been troubled or scandalized.
" When he heard this the old man said, "What, then, do you
think in your heart when you hear these things?" And he
replied, "That they are all going into the Kingdom. " When
he heard this, the old man marveled and said, "This is the
practice which surpasses my labor of all these years.
" Desert fathers
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