Our life might be captivated by Saint Bruno's charism in the
Church, to the point at which our monastic interest evolves in
a full bloom vocation, as a lay contemplative.
God calls, and we wish to answer; the most Holy Spirit provides. We
want to become a lay monastic; we must leave the world,
while living in the world.
Wishing is the first condition; obeying the
necessary commitment; carrying with Jesus His blessed cross of true
and perfect resignation and active participation to the
Will of God, while living in the open world if this is God's
calling for us, the realization and silent accomplishment of
our vocation as lay contemplatives. Wishing is a most precious gift
from God, we are infinitely blessed to have received this gift.
Samuel got a call from God, Mary got a call from God; a wish is
definitely a call from God, for each of us.
Traveling individually the path, up the contemplative mountain is
for all of us a lifelong endeavor; as well as to obtain
an official support from the Order, which will in God's day become
possible only after the establishment of the association and to
the extent where this one, in its organization and practice, truly
reflect the spirit of Saint Bruno, in an adaptation to the
condition of laity living in the open world. This may take several
years, which is not at all serious, since we are working on the
long term. (Gd 11)
Through the intercession of Mary's prayer,
may the Holy Spirit recreate us, hidden in Christ, to contemplate
and witness in all things, as in Saint Bruno's words: "Divinitas
id est Bonitas" (PL, 153, 24 C) "Divinity who
is Goodness".
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