Welcome Community Documentation Reference

Quies Information
  • See also: How to get started
  • The Quies SBPCLC have been instigated since December 2012 and are proposed in view of studying together and living the fullness of the 11 guidelines.
  • Since the meeting at the Grande Chartreuse in September 2014 (LGC2014), there has been expressed the desire of a more direct link with the Carthusian Order than through a future Canonical Association of the Faithful; and the term "External Donates" was coined and noted by the IFSB/SBLC envoys during their discussions with the Reverend Father, so the orientation remains to be reflected upon if it is to be developed henceforth through our study of the Carthusian Statutes and the history of the Carthusian Order instead of, or along with, developing a future Lay Association of Faithful.
  • La Lumière du Désert page (this video was highly recommended by the Reverend Father at the LGC2014 meeting)
  • The Life in us of the Most Holy Trinity (is to be developed following LGC2014 directives)
  • Members of the Quies SBPCLC, would strive eventually to experiment and live a virtual (on line) community, founded on a communally supervised 2nd degree level commitment to the eleven guidelines and to the ensuing customs and statutes of a projected lay association or external donation. The name SBPCLC Sancti Brunonis Pauperes Christi Laici Contemplativi (Saint Bruno Poors of Christ Lay Contemplatives) is in the spirit of the early Carthusians who called themselves Pauperes Christi.
  • There are it seems two manifestations of a Quies SBPCLC members life: hiddenness "In pectore Christi" and service "In ministerium Christi"
  • Pectore - hiddenness
    • By striving to apply the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the eleven guidelines; known as such only by Christ and the soul, one becomes spiritually could we say, an "In pectore Christi" (In the heart of Christ) SBPCLC member of the Quies project: "For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God" Col. 3:3. Considering that this manifestation of membership is known as such only by Christ and the soul, there is no formal supervision effectuated over "In pectore Christi" members, who strive to deepen their life in Christ by applying the 5 steps commitment to following the 11 guidelines.
  • Ministerium - service
    • Quies SBPCLC members service "In ministerium Christi" is to be manifested eventually by them in discrete participation to community life necessities as outlined in the 11 guidelines, it could be for the IFSB/SBLC notably, or within a Quies SBPCLC group/community. It is also of course manifested in our faithfulness to our duties of state.
  • A sustained effort of conversion (5 steps), trust and union with God is necessary in view of discernment towards an ever deepening Christifying personal balance between hiddenness Pectore and service Ministerium.
    • Guarding foremost, within one's duty of state and a balanced horarium while living in the open world, a solitude and silence environment necessary for continuous prayer of the heart with Christ as hidden In pectore Christi, Quies SBPCLC members experience Saint Bruno's balanced charism in the Church by regularly also, for instance, participating in their modulated particular personal call to service In ministerium Christi, discerningly in the aspiring lay association's diverse forum discussions, video-conference exchanges, SBPCLC regular small group contacts. Hidden, Christ knows them; through the Quies SBPCLC 5 progressive steps commitment to the eleven guidelines, and they grow to know and live in Christ, in the open world, while normally seeking to remain discretely ignored as would Carthusians in their cells, filling secretly the world in the Sacred Heart of Christ with their contemplative prayer, the "one thing necessary" for the Church, united with Mary's prayer; to the point where they will come to only contemplate and witness in all things, discretely as in Saint Bruno's words: "Divinitas id est Bonitas" (PL, 153, 24 C) "Divinity who is Goodness".
      • So essentially, in the In pectore Christi manifestation of a SBPCLC members life, they are before all secret and discreet contemplative members, known as such only by Christ in the soul, as would Carthusians in their cells, sometimes in purifying darkness, or sometimes experiencing moments of a peace that the world knows not, but always in an effort towards balance with their perceived evolving calls to service, ministerium
      • The in pectore Christi manifestation of a SBPCLC members life will thus be called in this balanced life to discrete in ministerium Christi service to participate discerningly with a peaceful contemplative heart as united in God, in certain necessary active services within the SBPCLC and of course fulfilling their duty of state and discerned ecclesial duties to participate in the construction of  the Mystical Body of Christ. Their commitment as SBPCLC is to apply discretely the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the eleven guidelines in their lives. SBPCLC, as do Carthusians, have NO specific association's active apostolate other than to serve each others spiritual necessities ministerium within the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the eleven guidelines; but they have a contemplative pectore apostolate, which would radiate peacefully and imperturbably throughout all their ordinary lives and duty of state as lay faithful.
      • Certain SBPCLC members might feel inspired to serve more particularly the Quies project; they can contact us for discernment.
      • Some SBPCLC members, ordained to the priesthood, might feel called to serve the Quies project as ecclesiastical assistants; they can contact us for discernment. It is desirable that ecclesiastical assistants, at all levels, should be in contact with and helped by the bishop or religious superiors of the diocese into which they are incardinated, as well as by the bishop or religious superiors of the diocese where they reside in order to carry out their function.
    • Fraternal exchanges in a spirit of sacred listening and communal prayerful dialogue, and in a collegial consultation with the hierarchy of the Church, are to be integrated in SBPCLC members personal horarium. (Gd 4)
          • Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, warned that poorly-catechized Christians should not take part in inter-religious dialogue. "Christians, often ignorant of the content of their own faith and incapable because of this of living of and for it, are not capable of inter-religious dialogue that always begins with the assertion of one's own convictions," he cautioned. "There is no room for syncretism or relativism! Faced with adepts from other religions with a strong religious identity, it is necessary to present motivated and doctrinally equipped Christians." 
    • It is a solemn duty, and a condition of membership, that any public or private actions of In pectore Christi SBPCLC aspiring members, overshadowing the values of the eleven guidelines, past or present, should be amended promptly, corrected and discretely repaired, lest they be cause of error or scandal. "...make peace, in the spirit of the Gospel, with all who have anything against him". Statutes Book 1 Ch 8 #7 External link.
    • Any aspirant striving to apply the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the eleven guidelines can thus forward us their coordinates, mentioning their personal motivations in applying the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps.
      • Following Saint Bruno's charism and in faithfulness to the 11 guidelines, SBPCLC regular small study groups could be expected, and would be be managed, to consist of a limited number of individuals, as in a carthusian monastery.

      • The Quies SBPCLC Our Lady of Good Counsel discussion group,  is a proposed private virtual community for persons striving to live the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to following the 11 guidelines.
        • The community(ies) are aimed to be family size as in Carthusian Monasteries. Members life, discussions and mentor-ship should be mostly private (one-on-one) and adapted to each person in emulation of a Charterhouse community's mostly solitary life. Community studies and exchanges should be regular (monthly) and moderated within small groups on Skype.
        • If you or a person you know might be interested in joining this virtual monastic community please advise us by private email.
        • If someone would not eventually feel comfortable with the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to following the 11 guidelines, then inquire at the IFSB or the SBLC who are developing Saint Bruno Lay spirituality projects that could be better adjusted to your personal needs at present.
        • The overall Quies SBPCLC project's purpose is to eventually help to collegially study, live and apply the eleven guidelines, progressively in our own lives; as was proposed by the Reverend Father; a task that solicits in itself our own personal conversion into the authentic charism of Saint Bruno, in communion with the Carthusian Order's monastics, and that "may take several years, which is not at all serious, since we are working on the long term" (Gd 11).
        • The Quies SBPCLC members might participate in and serve the community of the founding CLC, IFSB/SBLC spiritual ecosystem, and all it's eventual affiliates; while understanding it's own particular vision as being to individually and communally apply the Quies SBPCLC 5 steps commitment to the 11 guidelines.

From the 11 guidelines
7.    Serious discernment, if not severe, must be put in place for the admission of members into the second degree. They must clearly know what they undertake and what are their obligations (see 1.2.3.)
1.    The spiritual journey of Saint Bruno is characterized by the search for God in solitude, this God he knows to be intimately present in his heart. It would be desirable that the members of the CLC consecrate every day, according to their possibilities, a few moments to silence for: prayer of the heart, meditation or reading.
2.    CLC officials will provide, at the disposal of their members, a few essential elements to help in the development of this prayer (texts, life of St. Bruno, order history, excerpts of the Statutes of the Order).
3.    It is important to encourage a regular sacramental practice, depending on the possibilities of each one (the Eucharist and confession), as well as to make an annual retreat to better be impregnated of silence and solitude.
4.    Contacts between members are to be encouraged, indirectly through the internet forum, but also through small groups when this is possible. Leaders will organize these internet contacts within a frequency which can vary between two and four weeks (video conferencing?). It is advisable to set themes and 'helm' the exchanges.
5.    An executive board consisting of about seven members (including a priest and at least two women) is to be to put in place, who jointly decides which path to follow.
6.    This executive board also prepares the creation of a private association of the faithful. To properly set everything up, one must take time and hasten nothing.

8.    Regular contact with the hierarchy of the Church (the best is a bishop) is to be sought and maintained.
9.    The forum, which is not an end in itself, but a means to help some people develop their spiritual life, in the example and with the help of Saint Bruno, must be cleansed:
a.    Avoid unnecessary chatter and discussions that are far from the aim of the CLC.
b.    The ecumenical openness must be conducted according to the norms of the Church and you will exclude any tendency to religious syncretism.
c.    You also avoid to compromise with pressure groups of ideas either integrist or avant-gardist. To the spiritual path in accordance with Saint Bruno, is appropriate great sobriety and modesty, remote from any controversy.
d.    We progress, all together, in the respect of the Magisterium of the Church.
e.    The role of the moderators is very important; they must work and intervene according to clearly defined rules.
10.    The name of the CLC: it would be desirable to make an explicit reference to Saint Bruno, rather than to the Carthusian Order. "International Fellowship of Saint Bruno"  is good; otherwise "Saint Bruno Lay Contemplatives" *.
11.    To obtain an official support from the Order, the time is still premature. It becomes possible only after the establishment of the association and to the extent where this one, in its organization and practice, truly reflect the spirit of Saint Bruno, in an adaptation to the condition of laity living in the open world. This may take several years, which is not at all serious, since we are working on the long term.

* We have chosen the name Sancti Brunonis Pauperes Christi Laici Contemplativi (SBPCLC) (Saint Bruno Poors of Christ Lay Contemplatives)
Ed Source http://www.quies.org/ed/quies_pclc_information.html

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