SBPCLC and little children
And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like
little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
- How can the charism of Saint Bruno be naturally experienced by
little children ?
- I remember an experience I had when I was in 1st grade (at 6
years old). The teacher (a catholic nun) asked us sometimes in
the afternoon to relax, as at that young age we had short
periods of silence or naps, and she said: "Close your eyes
and Think of nothing.." so we all closed our eyes and I
remember concentrating on "Thinking of nothing". Well today I
can express that I met someone at that point of
innocently shutting my eyes and trying to think of nothing;
as we are creatures having existence and thought, nothing
cannot exist, when we voluntarily halt distraction and think
of nothing we are at the threshold of metaphysical
consciousness and our inner self is there aware of the
immanence of He who revealed Himself as "I Am". -
God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to
say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'" Exodus

- What can we learn from little children to live in the charism
of Saint Bruno ?
- Take moments to think ourselves of nothing (avoid
distraction - to mutually Love Gaze with "I Am")
- Could we describe this All, and prayer, as dwelling in...
- metaphysical silence?
- the original existential silence/presence we experienced
in the womb ?
- God forever creating us now, in His Eternal Will/Love ?
- Simplicity
- Purity
- Trust
- Abandonment to God's Loving Creative, Redemptive and
Sanctifying Will.
- Gratefulness
and mariage
and the elderly

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