SBPCLC and the elderly
Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the
kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit". John 3:5
- What can we develop as we become aged to live more in the
charism of Saint Bruno ?
- Grow ever more in the Love of God making ourselves deeply receptive
to Divine Grace, through the 5 step
commitment to the 11 guidelines, to become ever more fully
what God calls us to be individually.
- The sole goal of life is the spiritual combat, in reality to
live and die with Christ.
- Follow Christ, carrying our personal cross.
- The focus of Christian life is to "search for God" and to
bear witnesses of this.
- "Our whole life must cry out that we belong to Jesus,
reflect a Gospel way of living. Our whole being must be a
living proclamation, a reflection of Jesus." Charles
de Foucauld

- Be weary of the spirit of the world.
- Who else can fulfill your deepest aspirations, other than
- The deepest meaning of life, is to search for God.
- What assistance can we propose from the charism of Saint Bruno
to the elderly ?
and little children
and mariage
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