Recent postings  |
Tuesday March 04 2025, 16H39
Who we are | Tabula
- The
Still Journey - Le voyage immobile, Marthe Robin
- Novena to the Holy Spirit
- A
cautionary tale on yoga

- Catholicism Is, Most Importantly, An
Experiential Faith
- 25 Secrets of spiritual struggle that Jesus
revealed to St. Faustina

- Sophistry
- Saint Hugh of Grenoble
- Paths to Contemplation Yves Raguin s.j.
Raguin has spent much of
his life in the Far East and knows Buddhism perfectly.
Unlike others, he has been able to see
perfectly well where the border is and he has a bold
page to say that Christian contemplation starts right
where Buddhism stops.
- Proper Theological Method Prevents Enormous
Problems, Dr. Jeff Mirus
PDF St. Thomas, like all good theologians, displayed
a humility before Revelation. He never tried to use it for
his own purposes or his own preferences. It is precisely
this which proper theological method prevents. The proper
method rejoices in the gifts of the Magisterium which are
essential to the task. The proper method permits fruitful
debates and mutual exchange among theologians in areas of
uncertainty. And most importantly, the proper method ensures
that Revelation remains God’s own self-disclosure, and not
our own.
- Dom
Dysmas de Lassus, prieur de la Grande Chartreuse, un moine

- Chartreux
- Dictionnaire de Spiritualité
- Confessio
S. Brunonis

- Guigo I
- Consuetudines

- Silence
Is Necessary – On Cultivating Silence in Our Soul
Msgr. Charles Pope

- La
Chartreuse de Portes dans le Bugey

- The
Unexpected Way: On Converting from Buddhism to Catholicism
Williams, Paul

- Fr.
Amorth Reveals the Three Secrets to Being a Good Exorcist

- The
miracle of unity has already begun

- Early
Carthusian Script and Silence - Bennett Gilbert
- St.
Romuald’s brief rule

- La
voie du silence dans la tradition des pères du désert -
Michel Laroche
- Sayings
of Elder Paisios

- The
Gurus, the Young Man and Elder Paisios

- Elder
Paisios on Yoga and Hinduism
- Saint
Paisios the Athnonite - The signalman of God
- Pope
Benedict XVI and Islam by Samir Khalil Samir, S.J.

- The Beauty
of Devotion St. Francis de Sales

- Christian
witness in a multi-religious world: recommendations for

- Prayer
is an act of Love Theresa of Avila

- Kapsokalivia
Mount Athos June 24 1969
- Carthusian
Worlds, Carthusian Images. The Fascination of Silence and
Inaccessibility, in: Studies in Spirituality 24 (2014) 143-154

- James
Hogg, 'The Carthusians. History and Heritage', in: K.
Pansters (ed.), The Carthusians in the Low Countries.
Studies in Monastic History and Heritage (Louvain 2014),

- Reality
- A Thomistic Synthesis: by Pere Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange,
O.P. - Complete book online

- Practical
Theology Peter Kreft

- Confession
- Saint Faustina

- Die
Kartause von Marienau

- Divine
Mercy in my Soul - Diary Saint Faustina

- Listen
for God in Peaceful Silence

- Le
film de la vie de Mère Térésa

- Prière -
Saint Isaac le Syrien

- The
Interior Castle - Saint Theresa of Avila

- Saint
Thomas More - A Man for all Seasons

- Fasting
- Non-Believers
and the search for God

- The
breath of prayer

- Cathedral
- Redemption at Lincoln

- Musée de la
Grande Chartreuse Exposition Saint Bruno œuvres

- Saint Bruno
le Père des Chartreux

- Seraphim de
Sarov (1/2), par Hélène Vetter

- Seraphim de
Sarov (2/2), par Hélène Vetter

- La
Lumière du Désert page (this video was highly
recommended by the Reverend Father at the LGC2014 meeting)
- The
Life in us of the Most Holy Trinity (is to be
developed following LGC2014 directives)
- The
Monastery revisited

- The
Carthusian Order has a new Prior General

- La lumière
du désert
54 min video
- Saint
Bruno Cross

- Quies
SBPCLC Our Lady of Good Counsel discussion group monastic
- Fin
du monde présent et mystères de la vie future Abbé
Charles Arminjon

- My Monastic

- Christian

- Elections
- Dominus
Iesus On the unicity and salvific universality
of Jesus Christ and the Church

- Saint
Padre Pio's 5 point Rule of Life

- Reasons
to Go to Confession

- Gnosticism

- The
Vatican Report, Sects or new religious movements: a pastoral
challenge. May 3rd, 1986

and mariage
- Fatima

- St.
Bruno's Family blog

- The
knowledge of Mary (1878), De Concilio, Januarius Vincent,

- Deciding jointly : May
they be brought to complete unity - Collegial Work Group (CWG)
- Saint
July 24
- Ten
tips for a better confession

- Praise
1 hour video
- The
Carthusian vocation is a mystery known only by who has
experienced it
are called to the monastic Carthusian life; but in the open
world, following the 11 guidelines will help to rediscover
and foster the contemplative dimension inherent in every
Christian existence and to give it more space in our daily
- The
Spiritual combat, Dom Lorenzo Scupoli

- "When we contemplate the mysteries of Divine Providence and
Love, let our gaze be simple. The simpler our concepts the
deeper and truer they will be. For it is in the measure of
their simplicity that they will approach the concepts in the
Mind of God. Whether he is creating the world or resting on
the seventh day; whether he is redeeming fallen man or
permitting him to share in his glory, there is no change in
God. He does one thing only - He is who is". (The
Prayer of Love and Silence by A Carthusian pg.117-118)
- Novena
to Saint Bruno preceding the 500th anniversary of his
canonization July 19
- Catholicism
and Buddhism | Anthony E. Clark and Carl E. Olson

- Comparison
between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism

- Priest and
Former New Age Enthusiast Warns Catholics Away from Eastern

- Warning:
Eastern Meditation Should Never Be Used The Untold Story of
Fr. Kneemiller;From New Age Transcendental Meditation Teacher
To Catholic Priest

- Fides
et Ratio

- Prepare
your heart to pray Dom Augustin Guillerand
- Cell
and world, Carthusians and books in Roermond
(1376-1783),Studia Cartusiana, 3, Neerlandica miscellanea ,
42, P. Thissen, 2014, ISBN:
- Saint
Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort's Total Consecration to
Jesus through Mary
a 33-day period of spiritual preparation.
- Heaven
Opens: The Trinitarian Mysticism of Adrienne Von Speyr, By
Matthew Lewis Sutton

- The
blessed path of tribulations
- Cartusiana

- Brunonis
- The
Carthusian Liturgy by a Carthusian monk (1941)
| pdf
| Original
in Cartusiana 
- Around the Feast of Saint John the Baptist June 24, 1084,
Bruno and his companions began the construction of the hermitage
in Chartreuse. This was 930 years ago today (posted June
24 2014).
- Statutata
Ordinis Cartusiansis 1510

- O Salutaris Hostia....
on this feast of Corpus Christi.
- Le 19 juillet 2014, nous fêtons le 500e anniversaire de
la canonisation de Saint Bruno, fondateur du Monastère de la
Grande Chartreuse et de la congrégation des Chartreux. Le
prieur de la Grande Chartreuse, Dom François-Marie, a
accordé un entretien exclusif à RCF Isère. Aux micros d’Annie
Francou et Stéphane Debusschère, il raconte l’histoire de
Bruno né à Cologne et qui, un jour de 1084 vient rencontrer
l’évêque de Grenoble, Saint Hugues. Ce dernier accompagnera
Bruno et ses compagnons dans le désert vert de Chartreuse pour
installer une première communauté de religieux ermites. Cet
entretien est l’occasion d’aborder la spiritualité des
Chartreux, leur place dans le monde et la raison du
rayonnement de leur engagement fait de prière, de solitude et
de silence. Les entretiens croisés de l’évêque de Grenoble et
du Prieur abordent la question de l’actualité des relations
entre le diocèse et le monastère, comme si l’histoire de Bruno
et de Hugues poursuivait son chemin aujourd’hui.
- Carthusians
in the open world
- Saint
Bruno and little children
- Saint
Bruno and the elderly
- Petrarch's
Humanist Writing and Carthusian Monasticism

- Adryenne
Von Speyr, Confession Google books

- The
confession of the Casta Meretrix, Jacques Servais, s.j.
- Internet
Archive: Chartreux (60 titles)
- Directoire
Des Novices De L'ordre Des Chartreux Innocent le Masson

- Vie
de Saint Hugues, Chartreux Évêque de Lincoln (1140-1200)

- Brother Rex -
Little Portion Hermitage

- Coming Home

- Our thirst
for Unity

- 500e
anniversaire de la canonisation de saint Bruno (Grenoble)

- Carthusian
prayer to Saint Bruno bookmark prayer cards 3 columns

- Novena
to Our Lady of Good Counsel bookmark prayer cards 3
- Quies
SBPCLC regular small group contacts edited
- Desert
- St.
Hugh of Linclon, Clayton (Scribd)
- Traditions
of spiritual guidance, The Carthusians, Gordon Mursell

- Le
lectionnaire cartusien pour le réfectoire
ETAIX Raymond, Institut
d'Etudes augustiniennes ,
Paris, France, 1977
- The
interior life simplified and reduced to its fundamental
principle (1912), Pollien, François de Sales,
1853-1936; Tissot, Joseph, 1840-1894
- At
the heart of everything Carthusian
- Carthusian
texts Charterhouse of the Transfiguration
- The
Prayer of the Presence of God, Dom Augustin

- Ordensgeschichte
Ein interdisziplinäres Gemeinschaftsblog zur Geschichte von
Klöstern und Orden - Kartäuser

- The
Way of Silent Love, A Carthusian

- Reading
in the Wilderness: Private Devotion and Public Performance in
Late Medieval England. Jessica Brantley

- Solitude
- Casting
- Frequent
Confession, Benedict Baur

- Redemptoris

- John Paul II and The Blessed Sacrament

- IBreviary
Available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android,
Kindle Fire, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, mobile version,
- Quies
- means to an end - obedience/Fiat
- Novena
to Our Lady of Good Counsel - April 17 to
- Méditation
sur la vocation cartusienne

- Saint Bruno,
fondateur de l'ordre des Chartreux. Son action et son oeuvre
(1902) (Français)

- Denis the
Carthusian (1402-1471) (Latin)

- The twelve
books of John Cassian on the Institutes of the coenobia, and
the remedies for the eight principal faults

- Acedia:
enemy of spiritual joy, Jean-Charles Nault
- Letters,
Volume 2 (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 114), By Saint
Barsanuphius, Saint John (the Prophet)

- The
Big Silence
- Brunonis (German)
- Notes from
Stillsong hermitage

- The
Cloistered Heart

- Adrienne
Von Speyr et le Sacrement de Pénitence

- Kindness

- The
Joy of being a Carthusian

- Open
Library search on: Carthusian (for Ebooks
online ~ over 80 titles)

- Henri
VIII et les Martyrs de la Chartreuse de Londres
- The
London Charterhouse, its monks and its martyrs
- February
27, 2014, marks the five hundredth anniversary of the return
of the Carthusians to the Charterhouse of the Serra San Bruno,
after 322 years of Cistercian stay.

- EWTN Live - 2014-2-26 - Fr. Philip
Anderson - The Contemplative Life

- Post-Synodal
Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata of the Holy Father John
Paul II to the Bishops and Clergy, Religious orders and
Congregations, Societies of apostolic life, Secular institutes
and all the Faithful on the consecrated life and its mission
in the Church and in the world

- Key
to understanding John-Paul II's spirituality
Totus Tuus ego sum, o Maria et Omnia mea Tua
- Vatican
II Paul VI, the Carthusians and the private mass

- Esprit
Cartusien (français)
of an article (in french) that develops the
characteristics of the carthusian spirit (of solitude
and silence): spiritual virginity, simplicity,
self-effacement, joy.
- Saint
Faustina's diary

- The
Priceless Gift: Consecrated Life - A Primer of the
Theology of Consecrated Life, By Kazimierz Wójtowicz, Tr:
Sr. Pascale-Dominique Nau o.p.

- Saint
Bruno, Louf,
André, in: Cistercian studies quarterly, 48 (2013)

- The 24 Hours
of the Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

- Cell
- Resource
Material for the Discernment of Hermit Vocations according to
canon 603; from the Congregation of Institutes on Religious
Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

- The virgin (Quies/Fiat)
will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him
Immanuel. 15 He will be eating curds and honey when he knows
enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, 16 for before
the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right,
the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste.
Quies/Fiat is trust not in human alliances, contacts; but in God
- Integrated
study guide for the Mystery of Work
- Message
of His Holiness Francis for the celebration of the World Day
of Peace 1 January 2014 - Fraternity, the foundation
and pathway to peace

- Ecumenism
from the bottom up: Now Vatican II is coming into effect

- Les formes de
communication des chartreuses de Franconie avec leur ordre et
leur environnement 1328-1525

- Carthusian
Ordo Missae (2004)

- The
Quiet of the Soul

- Evangelii
Gaudium - November 24 2014

- Lumen
Fidei - June 29 2013

- Self-Abandonment
divine providence by Jean-Pierre de Caussade

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